Atmos Nation has some of the world's smallest portable electronic herbal vaporizers. Their goal is to produce vaporization devices that will significantly enrich the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and natural health science industries. Created in the USA and developed with your health in mind, Atmos has designed several patented all natural herbal formulas. Inhalation is one of the fastest and most effective ways to deliver herbal extracts into the body without changing its chemical composition. Atmos understands how crucial it is to maintain freedom, to not be weighed down by bulky pharmaceutical or dietary supplements, and most importantly to keep health products discreet.
Incorporating award winning pen style dry herb vaporizers, Atmos is at the forefront of dry herb portable pen vaporizers.
PlanetVape carries the AtmosRx and the AtmosRx Junior at best prices and service in Canada and USA while also shipping Internationally.